Well, not that much TO post, just so much that I'd LIKE to post.
First off! I wasn't sure if I ever made you watch the episode Mismatched from Jane and the Dragon. It's one they didn't air on qubo, and it's one of my favorites because it sort of begins to develop the relationship between Jane and Jester, and it's a genuinely sweet episode. I watched it again recently and thought that if you haven't seen it, you should.
You can watch it HERE in good quality on youtube.
Secondly, some movies you should see.
Practical Magic is about semi-accurate witchcraft. The movie itself is humorous, sweet, romantic, and sometimes scary, but overall I enjoyed it. It stars Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman when they were both fairly young. There's a short TV spot for it HERE, because all of the trailers on youtube were terrible quality. You should definitely see if our library system has it. Here's a quote that was hilarious within the movie:
Sally Owens: And I don't want them dancing naked under the full moon!
Aunt Jet Owens: No, of course. The nudity is entirely optional. As you well remember!
Next is Titan A.E., which I showed Greg the trailer for. This movie is really good. REALLY GOOD. Find it at the library and make Greg watch it with you. Trailer is HERE. It stars the voices of Matt Damon and Drew Barrymore. And a quote:
Cale: Maybe I've been wrong all these years, and it's taken your inspiring speech to make me see it. You've really changed me. It's beautiful. I think we've gotta hug.
Finally, there's Sydney White (And the Seven Dorks). It's an Amanda Bynes movie, which means that it is definitely not an artistic statement about finding yourself in college, but it is entertaining. As usual, Amanda plays a cute, but not girly character, this time leaving for college to hopefully join the same sorority her dead mother belonged to. Things happen, people learn to be themselves, etc. etc. blah blah blah. Trailer for it is HERE. What's most entertaining about it, though, is the "Seven Dorks". There are so many geek-related jokes that I wondered if the typical Bynes fan would appreciate the movie. I know you've never heard of Fangoria (it's a horror movie magazine), but one of the dorks wears a shirt with it's logo and I almost DIED because I was so impressed that they didn't just give him a Spiderman shirt and pretend that was true geekiness. A few quotes this time, because the Dorks just keep 'em coming:
Gurkin: [updating his blog] Does anyone know another word for "douchebaggery"? I don't want to use it a third time.
Terrence: [at a DJed party] Do you think they have the Doctor Who theme song?
Tyler: I... doubt it.
Terrence: [holds up a CD] That's okay, I brought my own.
And now for something completely different.
Yeah, this has been pretty text-heavy, so I'm going to lighten it up with some visual fluff. You will now see: My re-painted Barbie, her outfit, ability to stand, and her scorpio tattoo. My own painted libra "tattoo", and all of the zodiac signs I painted afterward. You, stirring up some fabric, and then looking adorable as Aeris. ENJOY.
Also, if you wanted to watch The Craft online, you try to HERE. Otherwise, our library system should have it.

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