Saw this story on CNN while looking for a current event today. I thought it was good. :) And it mentioned ThinkGeek!
Well, not that much TO post, just so much that I'd LIKE to post.
First off! I wasn't sure if I ever made you watch the episode Mismatched from Jane and the Dragon. It's one they didn't air on qubo, and it's one of my favorites because it sort of begins to develop the relationship between Jane and Jester, and it's a genuinely sweet episode. I watched it again recently and thought that if you haven't seen it, you should.
You can watch it HERE in good quality on youtube.
Sally Owens: And I don't want them dancing naked under the full moon!
Aunt Jet Owens: No, of course. The nudity is entirely optional. As you well remember!
Cale: Maybe I've been wrong all these years, and it's taken your inspiring speech to make me see it. You've really changed me. It's beautiful. I think we've gotta hug.
Gurkin: [updating his blog] Does anyone know another word for "douchebaggery"? I don't want to use it a third time.
Tyler: I... doubt it.
Terrence: [holds up a CD] That's okay, I brought my own.
Yeah, this has been pretty text-heavy, so I'm going to lighten it up with some visual fluff. You will now see: My re-painted Barbie, her outfit, ability to stand, and her scorpio tattoo. My own painted libra "tattoo", and all of the zodiac signs I painted afterward. You, stirring up some fabric, and then looking adorable as Aeris. ENJOY.