I just found this site today while I was looking for video game sheet music (which I found, and will share with you another day). Anyways, the site is called, simply, the Video Game Music Archive. I have found quite a few VG music sit
es before, but what impressed me about this site in particular is how comprehensive it its. It has music from HM 64, Snow Boarding Kids 2, Alladin (SNES), Neo Geo games, even a few RPG Maker tunes (PS1). I am wowed by this site and the fact that I never found it before. The songs are easy to listen to and download. They're in MIDI format, but you can still add them iTunes. I have yet to think of a game that I cannot find on this site, it is AMAZING.
So, if you ever get a song stuck in your head from a game you played long ago (I personally have been humming Linda' Castle all day), you need to get your browser over to this site.
Like I said, please let Greg know about this. Every game he has ever played is waiting for him to add it's music to his iPod.
EDIT: Okay, so MIDI files will play on iTunes, but they won't play on your iPod. Never fear, though! You can download and use Midi Converter Studio! It's free, and the page I just linked explains how to use it. Once you convert the files to MP3s, they should play on your iPod. Yay video game music!
when you get there, scroll down and the menu is on the left side of the page
(image taken from vgmusic.com)

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